About Halarious Productions

Halarious productions was created to fuel the funny behind the Hal-train. Anything that goes behind the scenes for what you end up seeing is brought to you by Halarious. This is kind of like an ad, because this was brought to you by Pfi— I mean, Halarious Productions. We are not affiliated whatsoever with anybody else. Other than the companies we want to be affiliated with. But we would tell you about them. With our advertising. Brought to you by HP… V. Kidding!

Khalil Sadi

Hal Sadi is a wonderfully optimistic fella. He likes to see the good in food, because food is really, really great. In fact, food is almost his favorite thing just behind comedy. If you wanted to know more about him, you came to the wrong place, because this is a website dedicated to… Okay, you came to the right place! I was just trying to goof around. I’m a silly little goose sometimes.

Hal began doing comedy in Los Angeles CA after he moved from his home country of Costa Rica. He always wanted to do comedy, so he went on a big mission (or big mish, as some might say) to pursue it. Now, he’s living the dream doing it all the time.

Hal was born and raised in San José, Costa Rica to a lovely set of parents. His parents, and his three other siblings helped him be a real boy. He’s the baby of the house and some might say he was also the favorite (and by some, it’s one person, and by one person, it’s Khalu). That’s what they called me growing up. That’s what my people in Costa Rica call me. I own them.

Anyway, this has been very unproductive and you probably haven’t learned anything about me. But I now live in Austin Texas with my lovely whyfe and my two doggies.

Recent Episodes

Featured Halarious-winning Podcasts

Cars and The Movie Cars - Episode 363
July 24, 202400:15:3321.36 MB

Cars and The Movie Cars - Episode 363

Khalu talks about his stand up comedy shows from the past weekend, figuring things out with planning, watching some shows and eating good food. He also talks about his mom playing a raffle for a car with it being a bingo about Cars the movie, and some news! Also, little tidbit, the picture is from t...

Running From Waterfalls - Episode 362
July 16, 202400:09:4813.47 MB

Running From Waterfalls - Episode 362

Khalu talks about going through pain, bowels and waterfalls, getting better physically and as a person. Something like that. Who gives a rat's butt anymore.

From the Depths of Hell - Episode 361
July 03, 202400:08:1211.27 MB

From the Depths of Hell - Episode 361

Khalu talks about having appendicitis, being in the hospital for two weeks, going through a rough patch, and not having a good time.

Our Team

This is brought to you by these awesome people


Billy Graham

Head of Productions

Charlie Brandt

Tour Manager

Emma Jones


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